Spring 2018 Mini BREAKS classes are (finally) up on our calendar!


Spring 2018 Mini BREAKS classes are (finally) up on our calendar!

Apologies for the delayed class schedule release + radio silence during the past two weeks but our entire household came down with a severe case of the flu! We usually just catch a couple of colds throughout the year but right after mid-winter break we caught a legit, stay-in-bed misery, zombie-apocalypse, can’t speak above a whisper, not-fun influenza. We are definitely recovering with a renewed appreciation for our healing bodies, as well as having more energy to catch up on life/work in general.

Our Seattle kids breaking (“break dance”) classes at Washington Hall are now up on our calendar and are available for purchase at http://minibreaksdance.bigcartel.com/category/classes, starting with our first spring class scheduled for this Sunday, March 11th! 

Right now March and April classes are up but May and June dates will be added before the weekend. Bellevue classes at Cornerstone Studio should be getting finalized and added in a day or so, as well.

Thanks for your patience as we bounce back from being sick! We hope to see you and your mini b-girl/b-boy in a Mini BREAKS class this spring. 🙂 


Hip-hop + Breaking dance classes and programming for kids and their families in Seattle, WA, lead by Anna Banana Freeze. Support our work at http://www.patreon.com/minibreaksdance
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