We did NOT expect our classes to fill up so fast! Within one week of posting our Fall schedule, we’re left with only 2 spots (out of 132), as well as a growing waiting list of break-kids.
We are SO GRATEFUL for our community’s support, and very excited to dance with students and their families in Seattle! After checking The Beacon studio and Anna Banana Freeze’s availability, we are happy to add 3 more classes for November 😁

Here are the additional class dates and times:
- Saturday, Nov. 5th, 11:10am-12:10pm (Sold out)
- Saturday, Nov. 12th, 11:10am-12:10pm (Sold out)
- Saturday, Nov. 19th, 11:10am-12:10pm (Sold out)
You can sign up your child for a Mini BREAKS class HERE.
Class is $20/student, with 22 spots available each class.
We have full and partial scholarships! If you want to sign up using a scholarship, email thebeaconmm@gmail.com ❤️
Classes may fill again so sign up your toddler/preschooler/young school-age dancer soon!