Finally! We are so excited to have a brand new batch of Massive Monkees t-shirts for your mini b-boy or b-girl!
Pictured below are 143, freshly-folded kids MM tees that are ready to go home with you!
With this batch, we chose to use American Apparel’s fine jersey t-shirts. We love that AA products are made in America, and their fine jersey line is super comfy! We thought kids + comfy = good.
The t-shirts come in sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10 and come in the following three color ways:
- “Dawg Daze” (purple, black, white)
- “Almost Pearl Jammer” (red, black, white)
- “Hawk On w/ Your Bad Self” (gray, blue, white, lime green)
They’ll be available for sale for $20/each by our Mini BREAKS instructor, Anna Banana Freeze after the end of each class. Grab one for the mini b-girl or b-boy in your life before the size/color you want disappears!